In Game Instance blueprint, 'create session' is not usable! Why?

I can’t find ‘create session’ function inside game instance blueprint. Does anybody know why? (I’m using UE5 Version: 5.0.2-20280985+++UE5+Release-5.0)

But, I can find it in player controller blueprint.

As far as I know, the GI is not replicated. Whereas, everybody gets a separate controller.

@ClockworkOcean , Thanks for the reply! Sorry, I’m not so clear about your point. Could you explain a bit more?

I’m following a tutorial video. In this tutorial, ‘Create session’ can be found inside its game instance blueprint. A screenshot of this tutorial as below.

It’s using UE5 as well.
I don’t know why my unreal engine behaves differently from his considering we both are using V5.0 engine.

Ah. It could be the ‘magic node’ problem.

Make a ‘create session’ node where you can, and paste it into the GI and compile.

Then you can find it in the node search?

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@ClockworkOcean , you’re right :slight_smile: Problem solved!

Bang! :clown_face:

One gotcha when using “Create Session” inside a Game Instance BP.

Don’t hang the “Create Session” node off the “Event Init” as it’s really easy for this node to be executed before networking is fully operational. This will result in a failure to create session error.

I still keep my networking code in the Game Instance blueprint, but I call it from the Player Controller BP.