In-game computer keyboard?

Hey all. Is it possible to have an in-game computer keyboard that can be interacted with? Basically, I want to set up an in-game computer keyboard where you can click on each key on the in-game keyboard, it will play a sound and an animation (making the clicked key go down, like it was pressed), and store the key you pressed. If it is possible, could someone tell me roughly how it would be done? Thanks!

Well easiest way would be to habeeach individual key be an individual actor/child/component since you want the key stroke animated. Each would need to be hooked to an onClicked event (or similar), with the event triggering an animation and maybe saving the appropriate key stroke to a string variable using the “append” node.

There are several methods to accomplish each step, the one i suggested is just an off the top of my head solution.

Make blueprint actor that is single key. Then make atlas texture that has all keyboard tops. And materia that can display selected key tile on top of key mesh.

Now your key mesh needs on click event that animates it down/up and plays sound. and some variable that tells it what key to display.

When you have that blueprint for single key working. Make array for all keys all with what is displayed on top and theyr relative location in keyboard. Then spawn all those keys as child actors of some bigger blueprint.