In-Editor Tool like ProBuilder? [create static meshes in-editor]

Hey all,

Just wondering since I’m sure many of the blueprints/C++ guys aren’t that good at modeling, what do you think of something like ProBuilder for Unreal Engine 4?
If you’re not familiar, ProBuilder is a plugin for Unity3D that allows you to create a quick prototype of a level… Here’s a video showing its capabilities: ?v=KMoV6zc9veo&list=UUG08EqOAXJk_YXPDsAvReSg

Now, I know we have BSP in UE4, but I’ve heard much hate about it… Especially from Hourences, who I have big respect for… And I don’t mean hate as in it’s not useful, but more like - you should play with it, but when you want to complete a game you ALWAYS, ALWAYS re-model it and turn it into static mesh for perfomance…

Is it possible to have in-editor tool that will allow us to create static meshes straight out of the editor itself? :confused:

Take a look at this thread and vote for it/join the discussion: https://forums.unrealengine/showthread.php?22230-quot-ProBuilder-quot-for-Unreal-4-Marketplace&highlight=pro+builder :wink:

You already can do this to a degree, you can make some bsp then there’s an option in the details panel (i think its the details from memory) where you can convert it to a static mesh.

Obviously not quite as many options there as having a proper tool but I use it quite often for simple shapes :slight_smile:

Ouch, sorry for this thread then… Hope mods can remove it… :frowning:

Oh I didn’t know of that feature! I’ll check it out, but non-the-less ProBuild was really great for Unity, hope it’s going to be available to UE4 soon enough…