In Animation Montage, why Play Rate*Frame Delta Time is the frame interval of montage animation

I’ve been learning the Advanced Locomotion System V3 lately. Now I have a promblem.

Obviously, in the comment, the author says that he wants to Get the difference between the Curve Float Value at the current frame and previous frame. So let’s see his blueprint.

His uses Montage Get Position to get current position and uses Montage Get Play Rate*Frame Delta Time to get the previous position which I can’t really understand why.

So my question is **In Animation Montage, why Play Rate*Frame Delta Time is the frame interval of montage animation?**Thanks!!!

Hey, here the final goal is to retrieve a value from a Curve. For this example, lets say the Montage have a PlayRate of 2.

So, for 1sec elapsed in your game, 2sec is elapsed in montage (because it is playing 2 time faster)

So your curve is readen 2x faster, so to retrieve the last frame value, you have to read the value which is 2 frame before in your Curve.

That’s why Delta Time (which is the time elapsed from the last frame) is multiplied with MontagePlayRate. Hope this helps :slight_smile:

Oh, I think this is the right answer. Thank you!