Imprted Metahuman, now ShaderCompileWorker or delete invalidated DerivedDataCache?

Hey all…!! Hope ur good.

Here’s the whole error minus my file location…

When it’s loading my project… compiling shaders.

Expecting 10 single jobs, got 9 instead!
Forgot to build ShaderCompileWorker or delete invalidated DerivedDataCache?

Started to happen after the engine restart when enabling the metahuman plugins on Import of first 5.4 Metahuman.

Now I restarted computer… same thing.

Also this may have been dumb but I was deleting old projects when it was restarting…

Hope someone has the time for me, if so thanks a lot…!!

3060 12g
48g ram
Everything else as old as when a 1070 was awesome. Lol.


If you find yourself here go ahead and install the MetaHuman plugn to the new engine version you just downloaded.
