Improvments for Next Unreal Engine 4.13

Unreal Engine needs to be very simple, and easier to use. First, why not make everything on Marketplace free until the game is done and ready for release? Any one at EPIC games have ever played THE SIMS 3? I am talking about the way people are able to build something in 3D without suffering, it is a click and everything is done. If it is not there on the game just go to and add it. It is boring to have to design every single 3D object. Second, I have a horrible time trying to add characters meshes using MIXAMO and Daz3D (I love both character creator). However, to import those characters it is a pain. Unreal Engine should come with the most simple character creator ever witch includes the most basic universal game movements such as jump, hang, walk, sit, fall, shot, magic positions and more those are essential to any third person character. I have to do what to make my character look and move the way it is supposed to ? I have tried already other engines Unreal Engine still good but not as good as much older game engines. I recommend you guys to look at engines such as dragon age origins (Toolset) or The witcher 2 (RedKit). They all come with objects and character movements Unreal Engine need something similar or beyond that to make things possible for simple game developers.

Unreal Engine is a general purpose game engine, not a mod kit. The tools you mentioned - Dragon Age toolkit, Re3dkit, Crysis sandbox… etc are customized version of the engine specifically to mod the associated game. They come with tons of assets and custom tools tailored for that particular game. Those cannot be compared with a standalone engine like UE4. For instance while Crysis/Farcry Sadbox comes packed with lots of resources, you wont find those in the original CryEngine.

However UE4 can be customized into a mod kit. For instance we have ARK DevKit whcich is a customized UE4 specifically for modding ARK - Survival Evolved.

That kind of customization is not practical to incorporate into the base Engine itself. People use UE4 for a lot of projects. Some use them for ArchViz some create RPGs, some use it to create FPS. Then there are others that has characters that are not bipeds (ARK, which has Dinos). This would mean a vast amount of skeleton types and animations. Obviously all of those cannot be part of the engine.

That being said, there are several plugins and marketplace packs that will give you assets and tools to start with.

The marketplace content is submitted by content creators, and Epic would still have to pay them for each sale, regardless of whether or not Epic is charging for it, or letting everyone download the content for free.

Unreal Engine. Think about that name for a second. Unreal Engine. Now ask yourself what an engine is in the game dev community…

Primarily, at its core, a game engine is just a graphics engine. Its sole purpose it to handle the the rendering code for you so that you don’t have to deal with core APIs like DirectX or OpenGL, or worry about rendering things the same way on multiple platforms like Windows/Mac/Linux/Mobile.

Unreal Engine does all of this for you, and mind you, does it amazingly well… And then goes FAR beyond those expectations, providing all sorts of tools to aid in the process of game development.

So what you’re basically doing is complaining that a tangerine isn’t more like an orange. But what you don’t realize is that not everyone requires all that extra citrus, and some people prefer to roll there own ideas to make a tangelo, which is much more difficult to achieve when you’ve been handed an orange to start with.

Is really needed to add a simply geometry builder. I can combine primitives and make props manually but is expensive in time and boring.

Many games have construction tools for fast creation of structures, including houses.

Did you remember Tenchu 2 for PSX? Easiest 3d editor ever, using 3d tiles. Nice option for simply and fast building. In that game also is extremately easy to add checkpoints and AI routes.

Would be great idea to add this for indies.

You seem to be really confused. Modding a game and creating a game are seperate thinks. You think game creation is meant to be easy because those modding tools are easy to use but do not expect Game Creation is any easy. It can be even painful.

To be honest, Blueprint Visual Scripting makes things easier by tons when it is compared to other engines, but they that’s my opinion.

You seem to be missing a button on your keyboard,width=190,height=190,appearanceId=2,version=1440399755.png/make-game-button-black_design.png

Don’t forget the “Make MMO” button.


You guys have all the knowledge to make Unreal Engine one of the best Engine in the market. Molding and creating is all part of the same coin. Nothing in this life is easy believe I know that but you guys have the key to make things possible (TO MAKE IT POSSIBLE TO ANYONE). I can create a story with a minimum of 5 hours and put the whole image of the story together during the process. The tree I see does not need to be the as same tree you see (Pine three). However, usually I will see things in my mind that is usual to everyone. Think in a street. Think in a house. Think about a dog. Think about fire. Think about water. Think about an apartment building. Think about cardboard box. A dictionary will give all the possible objects anyone can imagine in this world. How many words the English dictionary have? If you jump you will jump like everyone else the height might be different but it is a jump. They all have the same function anywhere you go in this world and in our minds they have the same behavior but they might have a different perspective. Like the president of the United States says common knowledge. I am sure creation of blue prints should be available (copyrights and all the drama) but how about the story what really makes the game a game? If Unreal Engine owns (3D objects that can be used in the development of games for free until release) there will be no issue with publicity.

If you put air plane mode in a car what this means? The car will ?

I think he means that Unreal should not only have the possibility of letting people create their games but also have tons and TONS of stuff that are FREE so you can create your game with little effort, like modding with premade assets and tools. So anyone can create games.

He also thinks that it should contain every single gameplay element ready to use. Like a Thirdperson Game should have magic stuff because World of Warcraft has it, and Firstperson should have every single FPS elements because of Call of Duty etc. That’s his mindset. He just hopes Unreal to be something massive, like 100 GB game engine that contains EVERYTHING.

Again, he is just confusing modding with creating games. The truth can be hard to accept and it is easier to blame the engine, rather yourself for thinking wrong. :stuck_out_tongue:

Game creation is actually hard and a small amount thinks otherwise due to the sheer amount of Unity games that are created with free Unity Asset Store packs or due to modding tools.

That don’t mean have samples of games is bad, if someone give you a good sample where learn and get a base is always welcome, as for example the Cryengine FPS sample is pretty complete, and a single dev or small team can’t do that alone.

If it were very simple, it would be difficult to make games that are not simple. It’s in a good place; the tools are powerful and flexible, but they are also not horrifyingly complicated and their basic usage is documented.

Would you spend time working to create (and subsequently support and keep updated for future versions of the engine) anything for the marketplace if you knew that you’d never see any real revenue from it for another 2-3 years? If this model existed, there would be no content on the marketplace.

For every one of those items, someone spent a fair amount of time creating it in other tools. The Sims is a widely modded game, but it will only ever be the Sims, and Unreal Engine 4 isn’t a game, it’s a game engine and toolset.

Welcome to the reality of game development. Either deal with the fact that there’s boring work to do, or pay someone to do the boring work for you.

There are several free packs of animations on the marketplace for the default Unreal skeleton, or alternatively you can use Mixamo as you described.

Once again these are games and not creation tools. They have content because the game they are attached to has content.

What UE4 needs it to be predictable, so sh#t like this doesn’t happen: Sick and tired of UE4 having its own mind - suddenly broken lightmaps - Rendering - Unreal Engine Forums

Thats the answer we need. :smiley:

is very clear that you’re really new in the engines world, you want something like, 1 click and the game is done

I kinda understand what you mean, and most that is related to modding or having more to scale free content to build the games structure for a better starting point, for that you have a valid point, but much of the content is created by third party authors and they are the ones that have their stuff setup for either free or for a price, it takes alot of time to make a bunch of different assets and every game is different.

Unreal Engine does have a number of good assets downloadable from the Marketplace which are free to start with and in the Content Examples and other downloads and even the templates with Starter Content helps get you started.

It sounds like you’re asking for more standard animations, an easier to understand documentation for the skeletal animation and import process (The Steps to Make Simple Animations From Scratch). More and improved tools such as for content authoring. An improved Unreal Engine Editor and content management and content accessibility experience.

What I would say is that if anything right now Unreal Engine needs alot more game templates and improved and simplified existing templates.

I still see alot of people teaching the old and outdated heavy math intensive methods to do even the basic of tasks in video’s and that functionality is seen as standard and readily available already in the engine and is easier to implement for a games foundation without re-inventing the wheel each time.

Re-inventing the wheel is a constant problem to avoid in development and is very costly in development time, anything that cuts that time down is helpful.

Sometimes you have to think outside the box and take a look at the bigger picture. But always keep it simple and focus on performance first.

feature request: more love for 2d paper flipbook… especially instanced flipbooks…

I think the OP needs to look at FPS Creator or something more like that. He sounds young and inexperienced with game dev. Start with one of the many “build your game with a few click” engines, and come back to UE after you get some experience. That’s how I started too. If you could really create a great game with a few simple clicks, studios like Rockstar wouldn’t hire hundreds of people to the tune of tens of millions of dollars a year. Imagining an idea or storyline is the easy part, I’m sorry to say. It’s accurately getting your ideas implemented that is the hard (and expensive) part. Anyone can daydream for a few hours and come up with some ideas. As for free marketplace content, don’t feel so entitled, is your game going to be free? If not, why? And why would you expect other people to work hundreds of hours for no money? Unreal Engine is NOT a starter engine, you probably want to try Scratch, Game Maker, or FPS Creator to really get going with some basic game design.