Improved Multiplayer Origin Rebasing

Can someone at Epic please take a minute and think about how important this is. All the features being worked on in the trello board, this needs to be prioritized first, but its not even on there! How can a developer truly compete in the open world multiplayer market, when the engine is still limited to the same small map sizes in networked games that it was 10 years ago? It seems the current pulled version of multiplayer origin rebasing does not work for physics or any useful calculations and is more client side. Do you guys have a top secret solution for fortnite? In the next generation of indie games, we must do something about the jitter and limitations that are unplayable beyond such a small distance. How can we stress that this should be the #1 priority of the engine? I have been using unreal since before udk with UT, and so many years later, I still have the same big issue

Wow they did a shift every 600 m !

But how they manage bullets then ?

I really wan’t big map, Unigine doing it pretty well :…ble_precision/

But is so expensive now, 10 000 $

Also unigine will release is own visual scripting soon.…chemer-skinner.

Also for the UE multiplayer replication, its pretty a nightmare, depending of the class, sometime you have to replicate it, sometime no.

Also the tutorials around, especially from epic are so boring, ****, just feel like they have no clue what they are doing and take the most possible time to explain basic stuffs.

why compete in the first place? The small one-person teams wont finish their “Super duper open world game” anyway.
Actual developers have a custom build with the needed features. You too, have Source Access.

Remember, with the marketplace we are not working alone, I have work from 20 people! Which part is “super duper” to you? The huge terrain? The trees? The building/character models? I mean, seriously- just buy the 6DOF flying ship project & the survival kit, spend a few hours with world composition. You will hit the jitter wall and require 20x more space immediately. Its really not even about competing, its more like, does your game have flying vehicles with multiplayer? Do you need a map bigger than fortnite? I noticed this limitation my first week of using udk back in the day. Not all of us are working on a walking simulator…

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This please. Know this post is little old, but not going to create another one. Clearly there is a project option to “Enable Multiplayer Origin rebasing”, but there is ZERO documentation on how it is suppose to work, and how to set it up correctly. Absolutely nothing. To make it even worse, the documentation for origin rebasing is still stating that multiplayer is not supported. So please epic, what goes? does it work or not? i have wasted a lot of time to try and get it to work, but i just cant get it to work, mostly just crashes the editor. Does it work? what are the max distances it works on? do both MP origin rebasing in project settings and origin rebasing in world settings need to be on? or just one of them? Give us something so i can stop wasting my time.