Improve top/down movement(video)

Hello, I’ve already posted several times about this issue but I haven’t been gotten any answers. This time I’ve decided to record a video to better illustrate my problem since i’m struggling to really explain what it is that’s going.

Basically I’m creating a top/down adventure game kinda like Lara Croft and the The Temple of Osiris, I recently implemented jumping but I noticed it doesn’t work very well. I’m fairly new to unreal so i’m not exactly sure how to improve the system so its more fluid regarding jumping.
From what I can tell the problem lies with either the Nav Mesh or the way the movement works. (The movement is the same as that seen in the top/down template.)

This is the nav mesh for the area seen in the video -

Any ideas on how I could go about improving this system so the player can jump from one platform to another without it being so clunky. I’ve managed to get to the top on several occasions but that’s just cos I’ve been trying many times. A player who is new to the game i’m pretty sure would struggle a lot. I’m simply trying to make it more intuitive and responsive.

Any help or guidance would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.

you never really explain how you want the jump to work. is it mean to be timed by the player or just by a click and done automatically?

it also kind of looks like you were having a issue of your cursor being clicked by the players collision which resulted in the jump not moving forward. how are you actually handling the jump (are you using the jump node)?

Thanks for the answer. Basically I want to click on the ground the character moves in that direction and if I jump the character jumps in that direction. This is basically how it works at the moment but its just not working properly as you can see in the video.
I hadnt thought about what you mentioned maybe thats whats causing it to not work properly. Any ideas how I could solve that? I currently am using the jump node although ive also tried using the Launch Character node with similar results.