Impostor Baker Widget - "Unkown function/struct"

In the newest version of the impostor baker in Unreal 5.5.1, I have an issue where some of the blueprints do not properly load in functions and structures with the message “Unknown”, mostly seen contained in their macros. This of course prevents the script from functioning properly.

Refreshing these assets clears all nodes off of them, reinstalling the engine and clearing the remaining saved and intermediate files within appdata does not resolve the issue. Is there a known cause, and hopefully fix for this issue?

So I have found that most of the blueprint dependencies are from the plugin “Geometry Script”. There is a single function that remains unfixed and I cannot determine what it is dependent on. “Create Material Instance from Base Material”.

I’m keen on finding out the fix for this as well.

Hey folks, this worked for me:

Just disconnect that CreateMaterialInstanceFromBaseMaterial node, recompile and the EUW seems to be working fine.
Credit to this post!

Wow this just kind of worked.

A tip for anyone who upgraded a file from a previous version of Unreal; do NOT use the ImpostorCaptureSwitch node in your material. Impostor will render black.

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