Importing Workflow for 2D textures into a mesh is very unoptimised and slow

I filmed myself importing 2 textures and turning them into a static mesh in 3D space. What takes more than 2 minutes in the video is literal seconds in other engines. So many unnecessary steps I have to take, and there is a huge lack of helper functions to prevent repeating the same steps over and over (like making a static mesh out of a texture with a push of a button).

Normally this process is even longer because you need to model a plane to place the texture, but I duplicated one that I already had. Also textures stretch and not keep their original ratio, which means I have to eyeball-bake transformation everytime too, something that you don’t have to do in editors like Contruct and Unity. There, the moment you have a texture, you can drag it in the scene and it works. Would be awesome if it was the case here too, turning a 2-min process into a drag and drop (the editor can handle the rest, the process is the same everytime).

I am also not even counting iteration time, because all these textures have to bake into live edit too, something that could be handled in the background while we build in UEFN without stopping or freezing the editor.

@Wertandrew Thank you for your feedback. While I cannot guarantee a response, I can confirm that this has been forwarded to the appropriate team.