You just don’t understand the hierarchy, it does need all that stuff. They all depend on each other. Believe me, just do it!
alright, i will
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You can see how they are all connected in the reference viewer
If you go down just 2 levels, it looks like this
Manny is connected to Quinn.
Imported correctly at least for what I can see.
and I found why it needs the quinn mesh, because of the skeleton.
Can I replace it with the Manny Mesh or am I going to break something?
Give it a go…
Everything Looks fine, but I need to do this with all the files, maybe it was easier for me to import directly Quinn.
Edit: Looks like I deleted all the quinn files and replaced it’s references with manny, and doesn’t look like I broke something, luckly.
So I guess thanks very much for the help!
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