I’ve been running a few tests of trying to import a level from Unreal Engine 5 into UEFN (no blueprints or anything fancy, literally just static meshes). The level loads up fine in UEFN but when I try and launch I get an error about navmesh not being supported (or something like that, going from memory)
I followed someone else’s advice about copying all the elements in UEFN then pasting into a text editor and then back into a new level and that allowed me to successfully launch a game session. However, the NPC’s are all stuck in place and when I check for a navmesh there is nothing in the level for them to use. If I place a landscape actor down I can get everyone moving but then they completely ignore the walls and any other mesh that would provide navigation details. In the case of fiends this is sort of interesting but still not want I want
Does anyone have a good method for bringing very basic maps into UEFN from Unreal? I’m asking because I have some work I would like to use for future islands and would rather not recreate if possible. I suppose I could merge all the static meshes together and export it as one big geometry but that feels like it might be a serious performance issue, even with nanite.
Thanks in advance, cheers!