Importing textures from substance designer, good practices?


I’m currently learning UE5 and I’m trying to improve my workflow when it comes to setting up shaders and trying to optimize things a bit.

I’m currently exporting Base Color in RGB channels and Roughness in Alpha channel in one texture pack, and then I’m exporting Normal in R + G channel, AO in B channel and Height in the Alpha channel.

I was just wondering if the above is correct, or if there is a easier way to export my textures and setting it up in Unreal to make it look good, while also optimizing things a bit.

having some sort of packing template in designer or painter can help speed up your workflow. I use custom templates most of the time when exporting to unreal. exporting them at .TGA’s is good practice too (personal preference) so it sounds like you are going about this a good way :slight_smile: