Importing .obj file with multiple textures in UE5.1


I am currently having issues importing a .obj file with 50 textures from a photogrammetric model created in DJI Terra software. When I import the .obj file into UE5.1, it imports all the textures and the material but only attaches the last texture to the imported material file. I would like to find a solution to this problem or understand how to properly handle this issue in UE5.1.

Has anyone else experienced this issue or have any suggestions on how to solve it? I have tried importing the file into Blender and exporting the file in .fbx, but when I try to build nanite UE5.1 crashes. I have also checked the import settings in UE5.1 and made sure that the option to “Import Materials”.

Any help or advice would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.

I believe it is just scripted this way. Usually the way textures are named are connected to how a material is setup. A texture by itself isn’t something that can be attached to a mesh, it’s rather the texture.

If you require 50 materials for a mesh or use 50 textures on a mesh, you have other issues which I would be happy to explain.

Could you clarify why you need 50 textures?

I don’t need 50 textures and 50 materials, having only one is the primary goal, but due to timing issues and poor personal knowledge, I’m looking for the fastest way to get this mesh into UE5.1.

It’s a photogrammetric mesh made via DJI Terra software, this software allows you to export the mesh only in .obj as the most common format to the various software out there and other formats like .b3dm, .ply, .s3mb, .i3s for, honestly, I don’t know which software.
Once exported to .obj it divides the mesh into several folders in each of which there is a part of the whole .obj, the related .mtl, and textures which are different based on the part in question.
I initially tried importing these parts one by one into Blender and exporting them to .fbx.
UE5.1 imports them creating one material with all the textures but it doesn’t build nanite so handling all this mesh is not manageable.

Can you have any tips to give? Thanks

Hi there,

I’ve just learned two great alternatives:

  1. You want to try the “glTF importer” plugin for UE5.1, a file format supported by Blender and UE, possibly other softwares too.

  2. Use the USD Importer plugin for UE5.1 and export the file as USD, which is better, because not only apply the materials as viewed in Blender, but also creates folder structure for Materials, Textures and Static Meshes.

Hope that helps.

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