Hi guys, I’m a student learning (and enjoying I might add).
I’m a bit lost admist my sick haze which isn’t helping matters. I’ve made an asset, a pillar in my instance and textured this appropritaely in NdO and DdO.
I’ve then gone back to my low poly in Maya and exported this as a .FBX as to my knowledge you can’t use the .OBJ in UE4 which you use for 3DO with the Quixel Suite.
I’ve got all of these and all of my maps into the content browser.
Here ensues the problem. I’m fairly lost as to how to tie these together - the model looks nowhere close to it’s intended design, i’m 99% the maps aren’t hooking up properly. I’ve tinkered with the material nodes but I’m honestly not sure how to go about resolving this.
Usually I’d have just had this fixed in session but I’m considerably ill atm and my teachers are busy, well… teaching funnily enough ha.
Object Spaced Normal (doubt I need this but done it regardless)
I was honestly expecting these to be fairly automated at detecting / attaching the map types so any help I can get here would be appreciated (along with node settings if they’re specific).
Doesn’t DDO have presets for UE4 now? For a basic model with UE4 you just need a albedo/diffuse/base color (they are all basically the same thing), a roughness map, and a normal map. If you have a mix of metals and non metals you’ll need a metalness map as well, but otherwise that can be a constant 1 or 0. Don’t mess with a specular texture or value unless you need to, leaving it unused is more physically correct when you are trying to make something match the real world.
Yeah the presets it gave me for the above model were albedo/spec/rough/normal - haven’t got a clue regarding a metalness map. The bronze used in the above model is a smart material present from DDO. Didn’t really expect to run into any problems with that.
Keep in mind the roughness map is the inverse of the gloss map (the more it is black the more the surface is smooth)…in UE4, keep the roughness and the metallic as linear state (no RGB for these maps).
Also, take care of the normal map, in the UE4 engine, the normal map has to be inverted (i mean take care of the green channel). Make some test in the editor with a light if you are not sure…sometimes you will see the up/bottom direction of the light (green channel) are inverted.
I won’t lie I’m brand new to DDO and actually applying the numerous maps. I have them simply because DDO is generating them for me on the fly.
I used the UE4 preset when exporting however it’s only generated Albedo, Normal, Roughness and a Specular.
If I’ve not selected the UE4 preset when I created the new project is there any way to generate a metalness one from here? And would this be plugged into the specular (and replace the specular) I assume?
I assume the metalness is what’s missing for my bronze to be coming out like it is in the above images?
You have to select the UE4 preset at the beginning to have the right maps. Re-do it When i am talking about the UE4 preset, i am not talking about the options at the end for exporting your final texture maps…see the screenie joined above (base creator)
I’ve attached the new metallic map and unchecked sRGB of the roughness and metalness. Things seem worse, as you can see in the screenshot (updated settings also included)
I read the doc, just rushing like mad for a deadline and having a coughing fit whilst I do it, yay!
It could perhaps be something to do with my normal: ‘Also, take care of the normal map, in the UE4 engine, the normal map has to be inverted (i mean take care of the green channel). Make some test in the editor with a light if you are not sure…sometimes you will see the up/bottom direction of the light (green channel) are inverted.’
Alright, for the record how would I make sure the surfaces of the green channel point down?
Thanks for the help, you drew my attention to the fact I wasn’t using the correct UE4 presets, as such I didn’t a) have a metallic map and b) had the wrong Albedo (noticed this myself when I saw that your screen grab said ‘AlbedoM’). So I wasn’t getting the metalness through that. Updated my material node and all is fine.
I’m sure it can be tweaked but it’s working wonders.