Hello. I’m learning the flow from Blender to UE4 in terms of characters. My goal is to test with existing animations for humanoids so I don’t have to get into animating just to test my meshes out in game.
I have created an overcoat, very simple, put it with a skeleton I made by importing the UE4 mannequin into Blender and “fixing” it like in [this post][1]. When retargeting animations from skeletons with at least 90% similarities, I encounter no issues, I’m able to see the coat animating as it would on a walking/running/attacking human. It looks good.
However my goal, gameplay wise, is to allow the player to swap out clothes/armors, so I need to connect them to another skeleton, for now I’m trying to use the UE4 mannequin. Like I said, my skeleton is made from a “broken” UE4 mannequin skeleton, so all the same bones and hierarchy. Yet, when I import the mesh with the UE4 mannequin skeleton, so I can make it animate as a mesh component, this happens. First one is without animation, second is with.
Retargeting to the skeleton I made in Blender works just fine and I can play animations, which is further than I could get a week ago, but now I’ve hit this wall and I don’t know where to begin looking Help is needed, thanks.