So I’ve made a 3D model in blender for my game and I’ve tried exporting it in .fbx and .gltf but I couldn’t get it to import in UE5.1. For the gltf import I tried using 2 different plugins but it just crashes and closes UE. (by the way the exported file from blender is like 13MB so I don’t think it’s because the file is too large) and for the fbx file after clicking import it just says failed to import. If you have any ideas/suggestions id appreciate it.
Hey @DeiankataTV!
Here’s a list of all the error codes you can get with importing an .fbx. I hope this helps!
To import glTF in 5.1 you should just import into UE directly. Do not go through datasmith.
Can we get the log file of failed glTF import. If it is allowed, can you share the gltf + bin + textures with us?
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