Importing Heightmap on 4.12.4 crashes Unreal Engine

I’m running Windows 10, and I’m having some difficulties importing Heightmaps. Crashes everytime I attempt it. Using “.r16” files.

This is my Log File

Hi MoDSec,

Please review the following documentation on Height Maps to make sure your height maps are conforming to the listed specs: Height Map Formats

Also, you can send a sample height map to me in a zipped file on our for evaluation.



I’m having the same problem with some 4033x4033 16bit .raw files, and one of them is a heightmap that I was previously able to import in 4.11 or 4.10.

I’ve corrected the link for “Height Map Formats” above. Please review this and try making your Height Map a power of two (4096 X 4096) and see if that resolves the issue. If not, please send me a link to a sample Height map in a zipped file as a private message to me on our .

Ok, it works at 4096x4096, thanks. But how should that work with the recommended landscape sizes listed here:

Which is where I got the 4033 size from. At 4096 resolution it doesn’t match any of the recommended sizes.

The image itself should be a power of two (1024, 2048, 4096 etc.) but when importing it use the settings shown on:

[Creating and Using Custom Heightmaps and Layers][1]

as Described in the link you provided:

[Landscape Technical Guide][2]

Like this:

Height Map:

Import Settings (And where they’re derived from):

Ok thanks. I dumb. For some reason I thought I couldn’t change overall resolution as well. All working fine now.