I’m running Windows 10, and I’m having some difficulties importing Heightmaps. Crashes everytime I attempt it. Using “.r16” files.
Hi MoDSec,
Please review the following documentation on Height Maps to make sure your height maps are conforming to the listed specs: Height Map Formats
Also, you can send a sample height map to me in a zipped file on our for evaluation.
I’m having the same problem with some 4033x4033 16bit .raw files, and one of them is a heightmap that I was previously able to import in 4.11 or 4.10.
I’ve corrected the link for “Height Map Formats” above. Please review this and try making your Height Map a power of two (4096 X 4096) and see if that resolves the issue. If not, please send me a link to a sample Height map in a zipped file as a private message to me on our .
Ok, it works at 4096x4096, thanks. But how should that work with the recommended landscape sizes listed here:
Which is where I got the 4033 size from. At 4096 resolution it doesn’t match any of the recommended sizes.
The image itself should be a power of two (1024, 2048, 4096 etc.) but when importing it use the settings shown on:
[Creating and Using Custom Heightmaps and Layers][1]
as Described in the link you provided:
[Landscape Technical Guide][2]
Like this:
Height Map:
Import Settings (And where they’re derived from):
Ok thanks. I dumb. For some reason I thought I couldn’t change overall resolution as well. All working fine now.