Importing geodata and spawn 3D-objects on given location


I am pretty new to UE5 and Twinmotion. My main goal is to model solar power plants, which are in big scale (+ 5 hectar).

Normally i work a lot with GIS software (QGIS, ArcMap). So i already build some Point-Geodata which contains all exact locations of the tables of the solarmodules for one solarpark. These points are already placed with the exact spacing between the tables, etc.

My question is, am i able to import vector-geodata (shapefile or geopackage)? And can i automatically place 3D-objects based on these exact locations, so that i do not have to put the 3D-objects there manually? And how do i accomplish this?

Thanks in advance!

Yes. There’s the two plugins below that can help.