Importing from blender (tried everything)

when I import as skeletal from blender, my model becomes extremly small and it’s impossible to setup the hit-boxes on it.
i tried to scale it by factors of ten, but only the visible mesh did scale correctly. also the physic box isn’t greater as I increase the scale (stays small and is hardly configurable). I need to import many elements into UE and they need to be scaled correctly.

I’m a Blender user as well, but haven’t been having trouble importing models recently. A couple questions for you, then I bet we can get this figured out:

  1. What file format are you exporting?
  2. Are you creating your own collision meshes in Blender, or generating them in UE4? (It sounds like you meant in Blender but just wanted to double check)
  3. At what point are you scaling by factors of 10? (e.g. In Blender, when exporting from Blender, when importing into UE4, within UE4)
  4. And just in case, which Blender version are you using? Recent versions have made exporting to UE4 immensely easier.


I’m using blender 2.71 and exporting in FBX (autodesk) format
I tried scaling during the import with EU4
I generate my colision boxes within EU4
if you want screenshots I can get it done, but what you would see is a tiny vehicle that is deformed

Alrighty, first and foremost try switching to the newest version of Blender (I’m currently using 2.75) as that should fix or avoid some issues.

As far as collision meshes are concerned, I’d suggest just making your own in Blender, you’ll have better control that way anyway. Here’s directions on how to do so if you don’t already know: [UE4 custom collision][1]

And, FBX is definitely the way to go. Here are some helpful export settings that should do the trick…

  1. For static meshes:

  1. For skeletal meshes (select both the mesh and its armature):

  1. For animations, use the same settings as for skeletal meshes, but select only the armature.

Remember to select the collision meshes as well when exporting static or skeletal meshes that have them. If you want help using UE4 generated collision meshes and are still having trouble some screenshots of the problem would be useful.

Anyway, hopefully that’s helpful, but I’m happy to keep helping if you’re still having trouble!

Cheers and good luck,

The problem I’m currently having is that I need to scale my work by ten in order to get something that is visualy there. For example, my car was originaly around 2 by 1.5 meters, but UE4 doesn’t seem to work with the same units as Blender. And when I get it imported into ureal as 10 times larger, it seems more logic that the area my car takes is around 2 by 1.5 meters. This is an image before

This is after I manualy scaled all individual objects and reset parenting correctly

So, that’s done, but it also causes an issue when working on the vehicle BP. Here’s what results I’m getting:

I know this is one problem and not two, but there is really nothing I can do if it’s not fixed. And also, this is just a guess, I’m not sure if this is related to the scaling or if it can be fixed within the BP.

thank you for your support and patience :wink:

Huh, for me when scene settings in Blender are set to metric (and scale set to 1) the units actually end up being the same! If you’re not using Blender 2.75 or above that might be the issue, otherwise I dunno what is going on. But, scaling within Blender is definitely the way to go if you need to.

Oh, and one thing you might do is apply the scale (ctrl+a) after scaling the objects, I don’t know if that still causes issues but it had for me in the past.

Now onto your other question!

This definetly changed something :smiley:

notice how the black boxes are at their place now. ty that was my blender import and scale issue! just CTRL+A and that’s it! I’d never figure it out thx!!!

Woo hoo!!! That is awesome to hear.
