Hi, after almost a week of tweeking settings on export/import I figured it’s time to post here.
I have a car in blender that I have rigged and want to import it in unreal engine to create a control rig.
When I import it as a static mesh the car looks the same as it does in blender and 3dsmax but when I import it as a skeletal mesh the car loses some of its smoothing, I guess? I have searched here and on google and read everything I could get my eyes on to but couldn’t find a solution.
I imagine the problem is with the 3d model as I have downloaded a rigged car from a tutorial and it imports as smooths as it is in blender but I was hoping to use this one tho and find a solution since the static mesh imports properly…
It depends on the settings you used for “recompute normals”.
Got that info from dev: In legacy import, if there is no smooth group to compute normals, Skelmesh will differ form StaticMeshes, some will be smooth while other keeps hard edges.
Might be a file type issue like DUF files display differently to say a PPZ file after porting, DUF uses opacity levels in the material where i don’t think PPZ has that setting in the material. Here’s what i mean after i export from Daz3D to unreal via each file type.
The PPZ file shows a complete texture while the DUF version has opacity settings on the material you need to adjust in the material itself in Unreal.
When using editors like Daz3D to Unreal files better to use are CR2 files over DUF, in most cases the CR2 files along with the PZ material file will port over nicely but in many cases the DUF file either crashes or ports the FBX file over messed up.
Here i used CR2 and PZ.
You generally have to reset you’re opacity or colour tint to glass so you go to the material folder and click on the material itself to change it options, or you can edit the materials blueprint directly in the widget which is a bit more complex.
Better file formats to choose when using programs like Daz3D to export and convert FBX files that bridge from other editors like blender, hexagon and various other programs that use an array of file formats.
So it could be the file format you choose to export, you may require a plugin that accurately reads certain formats or older framework like QT4 files in daz3d’s case.