Importing FBX mesh rotation no longer works


Since 4.12 i have not been able to use the transform options when importing an fbx mesh.
They just do nothing.

Example here, trying to rotate a mesh, just does not do anything anymore.
Is it a setting that i am using here or is it just broken?


Hi Gozu,

I’ve been able to reproduce this with the latest 4.12.5 version with Static or Skeletal FBXs. I used the same settings you have above and some other variations.

Can you try making a test asset and see if it reproduces with that as well or just your current mesh. Also, make sure that you’re on the latest 4.12.5 release available.

Thank you!


Case closed, with a new mesh freshly made in 3ds it works fine.

With existing mesh it started working after reimporting as a new asset, then selecting “use toas ref pose”.

Very sorry to waste your time.
Thanks for your help! :sunglasses: