Importing FBX in UE4… Exporting from Photoshop/Illustrator

Hello all,

1st and foremost, a big thank you to the creators of Unreal Engine and making it publicly available!
Being a Quadriplegic with limited dexterity, this is huge!

Just a little background; of my technical know-how… :slight_smile: :-p

Not an expert in one area, more of a jack of all trades/enough to be dangerous type.

I understand the basics of object oriented programming, but… More with C#, then with C++… Inheritance, Abstraction, Encapsulation, Polymorphism… Methods/Functions, Members/Properties, Parameters.
I can look at code and read along and basically understand most of what it’s doing and why… Creating Classes/Constructors, Instantiation and making calls to classes or even specific functions.

On to my question!

I’ve read a little bit here at the forum, answerhub & community wiki… Quite a few times, people have mentioned about creating their models/meshes or simply making some sort of change to their objects in Photoshop and in Illustrator…

I’ve also read time and time again that the only import option is FBX?
I did a Google search about supported file types for Photoshop and illustrator, found specific links to help documentation at Adobe’s site for both Photoshop and illustrator…
In their list of file formats supported, FBX is not listed?
Was wondering what other people working in Photoshop and illustrator, what file types they saved their projects as… To be able to import into Unreal Engine.

Tips, tricks, techniques, constructive criticism and feedback would be greatly appreciated…

Thank you in advance for your time,

Photoshop and Illustrator are image editing programs. With Photoshop you can create textures for your 3D objects, Illustrator is a bit different in that it uses shapes to create an image and is designed to maintain high quality for variable print resolutions, not much use needed for games since Photoshop can do what’s needed there.
FBX is a 3D model format, you can use a 3D program like 3ds Max/Maya to create 3D models and export to UE4 using the FBX format. Blender is a free program and supports FBX to some degree though I’ve heard that people have lots of issues trying to export to FBX with Blender.