Importing FBX camera to CameraAnimationSequence in python

Hi there, I can’t seem to use python to import cameras to the new CameraAnimationSequence templates.

I can import fine with regular level sequences using:

unreal.SequencerTools.import_fbx(world, sequence, bindings, import_options, input_file)

However this doesn’t work with the new CameraAnimationSequences, even though the way of importing manually through the UI is the same. I’m guessing as this this import is expecting a normal sequencer type.

Is there a method of importing FBX cameras to CameraAnimationSequences like there is with regular sequences? There isn’t much information about them and CameraAnims are being depreciated so any help would be appreciated.


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There is some info at this thread.

The project settings can auto-map pre-animated FBX camera settings to the sequencer.

@DarylAtkins yes, unfortunately this doesn’t work for CameraAnimationSequences. It’s on our list to tackle before we completely replace Matinee based camera anims.