Importing fbx animation gets deformed

The feet of my character get deformed in UE5, I’m not sure what’s doing this.
I’ve googled it but can’t find the right words to find the solution.
I can see that the foot is following the heel. While in blender it stays put.

I’ve had this problem for a long time with many animations, so far I didn’t find the reason why it’s happening, but what worked for me was to tick “Preserve Local Transform” when importing animation to UE.
Just today it decided it didn’t want to work anymore :upside_down_face:, so I started searching other solutions and tried changing exporting settings in Blender: in the Transforms tab change Apply Scalings to FBX All - so if the first method doesn’t work, you could try this instead.

If anyone knows better solution/why it’s happening (I always use one rig, sometimes the problem occurs, sometimes it’s totally fine), I’d be very grateful.

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I used Preserve Local Transform and it worked! Thank you and sorry for the slow reply