Hi, I was working with spline meshes and I had an issue importing collision for a cube I was using. Essentially, I just duplicated the render model, which is a 32x32 cube with 8 divisions along its X axis. It imports the collision mesh but without those 8 divisions, so you can imagine when using it on a spline mesh it wouldn’t match the render mesh.
I found a temporary solution, by expanding the height of the collision and exporting it seemed to keep the 8 divisions. Very weird behavior. My guess is that either the FBX exporter or the Unreal importer has issues when the render model exactly matches the collision model? Maybe the thought is that, if that was desired you’d just use the use complex collision per face, etc. but it seems that doesn’t work very with the spline mesh component.
My successful collision looks like this below, despite the collision not showing the edges in UE4.