Importing BVH/Mocap files into Unreal project

I’m a college freshman working on a research project to simulate historic Baures, Bolivia, in UE4. I have barely any knowledge in Motionbuilder and Maya, but can somewhat work comfortably in UE4.

I have some raw mocap data (uncut, unedited, BVH files) and I know how to transpose them onto a model (which we were given) in Motionbuilder but cannot for the life of me figure out how to put these into Unreal. Is there a pipeline for doing this? A set of instructions anywhere? I’ve been looking, and can’t get any help…

Translate this :wink:
Я сделал следующее:
Включил Blender 3D
Переключил вид с Default на Scripting
В консоли Python (Та что снизу) писал код:

import os
dir = os.listdir("D:\\bvh")
pathbvh = ("D://bvh/")
pathfbx = ("D://fbx/")
for file in dir:
	bpy.ops.import_anim.bvh(filepath=pathbvh+file, filter_glob="*.bvh", global_scale=1, frame_start=1, use_fps_scale=False, use_cyclic=False, rotate_mode='NATIVE', axis_forward='-Z', axis_up='Y')
	bpy.ops.export_scene.fbx(filepath=pathfbx+file, ui_tab='ANIMATION')

pathbvh - Путь к моим bvh файлам
pathfbx - Путь к куда сохранить файлы
После конвертации сохранятся они с расширением bvh, просто поменяй его на fbx и все, у меня это сработало