Importing assets from one game to another

I’m working on trying to implement sound design, and a friendly stranger on the internet gave me some fighting game characters to play with. I figured it would be cool to drop them in a designed level to work around.

I got the main character and the boss in the level, and everything’s working (including boss attacks), but I can’t figure out how to map the button controls on the main character so he can attack. If I could figure out how to map 2-3 buttons, I could get on with some audio design. Right now, only movement controls are working.

I pretty much imported everything from the level he gave me into a great visual level design, so the animations and blueprints are all in there; I just don’t know how to piece the two together to make it work. In his file, there were four attacks mapped to keys 1-4, and two of them mapped to the mouse buttons.

I feel like I’m just missing one small piece to this puzzle.