I imported animations but they came with a problem, they have a different T-pose than my character who has the standard unreal pose with their arms down, when I re-target the animations for my character they are wrong. Is it possible to Cheat this? I imported from Mixamo and there is no option to export to Unreal.
In the retarget manager you can specify the pose that should be used for retargeting.
You have to match the poses as good as possible to achieve good anim retargets.
So either way go to the Mannequin skeleton and set it’s pose to a T or go to the skeleton of the imported anims and set them to the default A.
This is a non-destructive specification and can be reset.
But I can’t use the pose of another character I have to create from an animation this is bad.
“Pose” in this context only means you go into the skeleton, rotate the bones accordingly and then set the current pose you just made as the anim retarget reference pose.
But is there any way I can retarget the animations using the unreal mannequin pose?
If you are talking about Pose assets then no, I don’t think so. They are, like animations, bound to a skeleton and would need to be retargeted as well, so this wouldn’t get you anywhere anyways.
You can choose wether to you modify the mannequin pose to be a T like your custom skeleton or modify the custom skeleton pose to be like the mannequin A pose. There’s also plenty YouTube videos as well. Lemme know if you need further help.