I am trying to learn about simple animations with Unreal. I have a simple fox character that I downloaded, and set it up with mixamo to download animations from. The character works great when browsing animations. I download a good idle, walking and running animation without skin(because I already have the skin in Unreal).
Getting them to import correctly to unreal is giving me problems though, because I can import the FBX animations good, select my fox skeleton, but the new animation sequences have no preview mesh, they all show nothing.
It frustrates me a bit because they work fine if I download them with the skins attached, but I just want the animation data, and if I try to put a sequence without a skin into a blendspace with a sequence with skin, my fox mesh disappears when I preview the sequence without the skin. I have hit apply preview mesh in the preview scene setting but that didn’t work either.
What am I missing?