Importing Animations/Assining Skeleton always brakes animations!


animation importing in UE 5 is massive pain and mostly does not work at all.

I’m downloading an animation pack from the marketplace into a dummy project (importing into the correct project does not work as it won’t show op in the Launcher - never!). I used to copy just the animations into my real projects desired animation and assign my used skeleton.

This no longer works as all those animations then have no animation data.

So I export them as FBX and try to import them. On some animations it works but most of the time I get this error:

Failed to import ‘C:/Users/Daniel/Desktop/Game/CoverAnimsetPro/Animations/RootMotion/CoverHi_AimL.FBX’. Failed to create asset ‘/Game/Assets/Characters/Animations/CoverAnimations/RootMotion/CoverHi_AimL’.

Is anything at all working correctly in UE5 without beeing a massive pain?

running into same problem, and I totally agree. it’s like they don’t want people using their product