importing animation from maya to unreal looks different

I am very new to Unreal and I am honestly so lost trying to figure out what’s wrong, I don’t even know what settings I should check to fix this.
I am a character rigger trying to export my rigs into Unreal 5, I applied some Mocap from Mixamo, and its baked into the skeleton, I made sure to export the Mesh separately from the skeleton (It’s not the only animation I am using for that skeletal mesh). Still, the animation looks way off when brought into unreal, the hips bounce way too much and the torso doesn’t seem to follow it… I would think this is a rigging issue of mine but it looks right on Maya (please don’t mention the jittering on the legs, I haven’t gotten to fixing it yet)
(side-by-side comparison of the two)

Also when I try and use the animations on the blueprint the character is not on the ground, but hovering over it, I am not sure if it has to do with that or if its totally unrelated

If anyone has any idea of what it could be I would really appreciate it :cry:

Have you checked your animation export settings?
The character animations torso is not moving up and down which is why it looks strange. I’m wondering if your root bone has some sort of issue, so check that both the skeletons in Maya and Unreal match correctly.