So im trying to import the bicycle which is already rigged from the internet, but if I just import it it either crashes. Got it working when joining all meshes into one in blender, but then I have the right model but it only has one bone.
At first I downloaded it and tried to import the fbx files with bones which just crashed the unreal engine. Im such a noob how can I import it right.
And second question if you have an good bulletproof process/video/tutorial of importing static meshes or rigged meshes from the internet or from blender without crashing, errors and hours of trying to get it imported right.
Okay I found the solution myself, first of all if someone has problems with imports, it really helps to play around for some hours with the import to understand whats gonna do what since its not wasted time but time you will later have because you know the issue.
This time the issue was that I needed to rename the armature to anything else, unreal doesnt allow the structure to have e.g. Armature>Armature>Bone.001, so you need to rename it to MyModel>Armature>Bone.001.
In this case im happy I found it out myself, but took me 4-5 hours.