Hi, very new to unreal engine, could use some help I am trying to import a character model ://tf3dm/3d-model/annie-49170.html into unreal engine 4 so I can stop using the default skeletal mesh.
But when I import it breaks the character into pieces and then when I go to change the rig nothing is there
any help would be great
You cant import obj files as skeletal meshes -> you will have to export is as a fbx file. 
Also make sure to enable “combine meshes” in the import settings.
Hi thanks for the reply but I still have a view questions, as I said above I am very new to all this.
When I download the model from the site and unzip it I have a folder filled with all these different files and they are not just .obj do I have to convert the others as well ?

Also what should I use in order to convert them and how to I combine them all ?
Sorry if these seem like stupid questions, I would really just like to get ride of the default skeletal skin and replace it with this model
.dds = image files. You will have to convert them to png, jpg, tga,…
. = with that file you can open it in 3ds
Btw, be careful with such meshes as they might could be ripped -> so you are not allowed to use them!
ok so I have converted the the dds files to pngs and the obj file to fbx. And I have been able to open the fbx file in blender and I can see the model but I am still not sure how to combine the textures to the model and import it as one into unreal engine any ideas ?
Just import everything separately -> then in the ue4 create materials and assign them to the mesh 
Btw, as the obj file does not contain any skeletal mesh information, you will have to rigg your character in blender -> or open the mesh in 3ds and export it from there