Imported tiled map from World Machine doesn't connect at tiled intersections

After I import my map from World Machine to the current version of UE4(4.19), I get a slew of issues. First was the crazy Z scale value, which had the obvious fix of scaling down. But now my biggest issue is that after I import the tiled map all of the tiles don’t seem to match up. It almost looks like the tiles are in the wrong places. I’ll provide pictures of the WM Project Settings, the Tiled Build Settings and the import settings within UE4 to see if anyone can see if I’m doing anything wrong. In the Tiled Build Settings I intentionally set the res to 1009 so I didn’t have to scale down the X and Y values on import. Also, I realize the size is massive, having 400 total square kms

The landscapes not connecting properly was mainly due to the fact that I was using tesselation on my landscape materials. All the seams didn’t connect properly as a result. The pic I used was also an inaccurate representation of my problem… I shouldn’t have ticked the “Flip Y Orientation” when importing into Unreal. It also shows very inaccurate scales of the landscape. Once all of the correct boxes were ticked and I turned off tesselation everything looked fine.

Hi there just wonderiing,
I"m not using wm atm due to funds, but no matter I"m manually making my worlds and enjoying the process, but using world comp isn’t working very well, because playing game starts me out on one level, but the other level POPS into view immediately, ruining any sense of gameplay.

Did you ever have that problem and whats the fix…LOD ? I"ve read about terrain LOD but how do you create them ? ( world comp DOC mentions it but never tells you how that I could find).

On a side note, I made a new layer and turned off streaming thinking that might help the POPping in nastiness, but it just makes the terrain not load at all and player starts falling endlessly on play.

WC is a nuisance ,- any idea on these issues ?


I just found a YOUTUBE video that clearly shows there is nothing we can do to prevent the immediatel POP in of terrain layers…only thing one could do per se is just to have a transport pad taking you to new level and new effects I suppose tohide the transition…dunno what I"ll wind up; with, but I do know it wont be FOG… ( unless I need it for foggy ENV)…

WHAT a shame there are no terrain LOD we could use to allow slowly loading distant terrain so its all visible, but uses very low TOD for distant terrain and switches as we draw near.