Imported models are not visible in game

Hi guys, I just started learning Unreal, so when I imported a model from Blender into Unreal, everything worked fine, but when I run the preview mode or launch the level, I could not see the model I just imported and placed in the world, it is just not at there, completely disappeared. I checked the visible mark, it is checked, and I m sure that I didn’t invert the mesh in Blender. Could some one help me with this issue please?


Just a question what version of blender are you using? If it is 2.73 or 2.74 then you must set your SCENE UNIT to Metric(see screenshot) then upon export using FBX exporter set your scale to 100 and use the SELECTED OBJECT option and select mesh(screenshot 02).



Upon import into unreal engine 4 you should not change any options and it should be as simple as drag and drop from content browser to game.

Note that in blender I use the Transform settings to confirm the dimension(hotkey N on the right of your screen) the cube size is 2m X 2m X 2m. Compare it to the character it is perfect size.

Now this is just one solution to many problems it can be. In blender 2.75a I noticed the setting scale is no longer required so it really depends on your version. Other problem could be that you have inverted normals or if it is a skeleton mesh there are even more problems that could be related to this.

You could share your blend file if you want then I could better understand the problem.

Thank you! My Blender version is 2.74, I found an other way to solve this problem, tho I’m not sure if this is correct: I changed the Unit system to Metric, and change the scale below it to 0.1, when I exporting a model, I check “selected object” but keep the scale at 1.0
I guess your method is more appropriate, I will try it in the future. Thank you!

That is a way to do it. One note there is when you are working with Bones and skeletal meshes in my experience upon import the 0.1 setting works for the mesh but not the skeleton. I am not sure why this happens that is why I just changed settings on export.
But as I mentioned Blender 2.75a seems to have fixed the FBX exporter.