Imported Mesh Has Wrong Rotation, but Only on Play

This is my first time attempting something this involved, but I thought I checked all my boxes (literally). I’ve checked the mesh as an in level object, the mesh as part of the third person character, in the animations, the rig, the mesh again in the animation editor, the animations themselves, everything should be good. However, in level and on play, the mesh is facing -Y instead of X. I made sure to export it and import it facing X too.

r/unrealengine - Imported Mesh Has Wrong Rotation, but Only on Play

r/unrealengine - Imported Mesh Has Wrong Rotation, but Only on Play

r/unrealengine - Imported Mesh Has Wrong Rotation, but Only on Play

r/unrealengine - Imported Mesh Has Wrong Rotation, but Only on Play

Thoughts? I’m stumped (which honestly isn’t saying much). Been googling around, but my problem, whatever it is, seems to be too specific.

Transform’s -y forward, z up.
Bones primary x axis, secondary -y.
U can propably just rotate the skeletal mesh within your character blueprint to face forward.
If you look at the ue mannequin, even that one is pre-rotated :wink:

Thank you for the response! Yeah, I tried rotating in the blueprint, it didn’t work, that’s what’s pictured. The first part of your response I don’t quite understand.

Those are the transform’s i use to export(in my case from blender)
So the mesh itself gets exported with -y forward and z up.
And the bone rotation’s get exported with primary x axis and secondary -y.
Allot of people get this wrong, because it might look like it imports fine into unreal
but when you actually start using it and create physics asset with it for example you start running into rotational issues.
I would suggest to try to export the character again from your modeling program
and look at those settings at export.