Imported Blender objects Not solids

Im trying to create buildings in Blender. But when I import stuff from Blender, I go right through them and they arent solid.

if you start your collider name with UCX_“name of your blender mesh here” then you export it and unreal will make the collider for you :slight_smile:

you can make the shape more complex, but it has to be one mesh, all parts join together

i think you can let the check on but you can take it off if you have your collisions set up.

and here is your simple collision, i made it so you can tell the difference between :stuck_out_tongue:

hope it helps, had the same problem when i started importing with blender :slight_smile:


i forgot about smoothing groups, make sure they are set up and you export geometry with face attribute


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No sé mucho al respecto. Pero me gustaría saber más. Muchas gracias por las actualizaciones.

Thanks man! Unreal doesnt seem to like it when I make a bunch of copies of assets. (It tends to break at a certain point) So I have no choice but to learn Blender sooner than I realized. Guess i’ll make the city in Blender then and treat the “skeleton” of the city as one big asset then, if Unreal likes it better that way. Not a big deal, was just hoping I wouldnt have to learn it THIS soon. :laughing:

no problem, you can also let unreal make the collision meshes… the only thing i noticed is when normals not exported correctly it can be that there is no collision made by unreal.
you can make your fbx profile for export and when you export bones make sure to disable leaf bones in animation :wink:

i will post you later an image, i must go to a meeting now


When you open the asset, I “removed collision” from the “Collision” drop-down menu. Then in details i went down to Collision complexity and set it to “Use Complex collision as simple” and that fixed all of the issues I was having.

collision complexity

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