Important Notes On Sleep & UEFN Timing

This may be common knowledge, but I haven’t seen anyone talking about this so I thought I would post about it.

In UEFN, Sleep has a low cap of 100ms or 10 ticks per second ie Sleep(0.1) is as low as you can go.

Therefore this should not be used for rotation and movement with the prop TeleportTo function.

Anything below 0.1 will run at maximum speed, ie:

# Speed Tests:
0.1 Tick Time - 10 ticks in 1 second
0.01 Tick Time - 30 ticks in 1 second
0.0 Tick Time - 30 ticks in 1 second

It appears that Sleep(0.0) caps out on all devices at 30 ticks per second (I tested on my slowest device and my fastest with same results)

Therefore, I conclude that you should always use Sleep(0.0) for smoothest animations/movement, which is 30 ticks per second.

Based on the data, I think we can safely assume nothing bad will happen with Sleep(0.0) because it’s already regulated…no need for DeltaTime.


(Note to Staff)l
Will this be updated in the Future?
30 Ticks is not very smooth
