Import tiled landscape only imports one heightmap

when trying to import a tiled heightmap made in world machine, it only imports one of the selected heightmaps, the imported heightmap can not be loaded.
here is my world machine setup:

and after turning on the world composition setting, selecting the import tiled landscape tool and selecting the heightmaps:


I am left with just one of the heightmaps imported and unable to load

I would appreciate any support on this issue, thank you

The complete set will sometimes load, but not register/update the editor.

Go to the Content Window, find the persistent level, and click to reload it. The newly added tiles should appear.

Still no luck after trying your solution

Oh wait. My reply was for importing the actual landscape tiles.

You want to know how to import different height/weight maps.

To do that, you will need a separate output device for each. Using your example, the Coast Erosion device has four output channels. Connect a separate output device to each one of those – four outputs, four devices.

Please excuse my confusion.

I am having the exact same issue. Its the first time I have tried to import a tiled landscape with v 4.21. Was ok with previous versions.