Import static mesh with multiple parts

How do I import a model that has multiple components from blender into Unreal 4? Every time I import my mesh, it is imported as separate pieces instead of a single model with a component hierarchy.

When importing, look under the advanced drop down, make sure “Combine Meshes” is ticked.

I have the same problem. Curious thing is, the first time i imported the mesh into UE, it automatically combined all the parts. I deleted it, i did the same process again after a few modifications on Blender, and this time, i cant get the whole mesh combined.

And i dont have a clue where the “combine meshes” option is in 4.18

After you drag-drop your static mesh, the importing static meshes popup appears. Click the expand arrow on the ‘Meshes’ group and voila…‘Combine Meshes’

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