Import static mesh from Blender

When I import static mesh from Blender and apply a texture, it does not get applied, instead I get a solid color. Can anyone tell me what I’m doing wrong?
On import UR4 tells me no smoothing group.

Did you unwrap the mesh? You can check the mesh’ unwrap by double clicking the mesh asset in the content browser and then clicking the UV button. You will then see your mesh’s unwrap.

Did you unwrap the mesh? You can check the mesh’ unwrap by double clicking the mesh asset in the content browser and then clicking the UV button. You will then see your mesh’s unwrap.

Unwrapping tutorial for blender: - YouTube

Sorry for double post, Browser acted weird. Can’t delete it either. :frowning:

No, I did not texture it in blender. I want to apply a texture in UR4.

yes but first apply the texture in blender to insure the texture fits your uvs . in blender in edit mode select the whole of your mesh (assuming its one mesh) then press u this will bring up the unwrapping menu i use smart unwrap . you can then either export the uv layout and paint directly onto it before importing that into unreal . Or use a program like substance painter …

Thanks for your help.

The way I get rid of the “smoothing group” warning is by selecting “Face” instead of “Normals only” for the Smoothing box under the “Apply Modifiers” check box. It is only present for the FBX 6.1 ASCII, and not the FBX 7.4 binary, for 2.77 at least. I think both offered this option for 2.75, but I am unsure.

when I make a mesh in blender using boxes and cylinders and when I import that mesh into ue4, it represents problems.
Mainly, it comes in several pieces and it becomes a headache to put them together.
Suppose, I build a plane in blender using several cylinders and etc. then I import it into unreal, and then the plane comes in several pieces and I have to assemble them together which is a pain