Looking at content examples blueprint splines 2.1
I see the ue logo as a spline. It was made with the BP_Spline_Location.
I can’t figure any way to import a spline. It always fails. Is this possible?
How would you go about doing so?
I also would like to know if this is possible and if so how.
I made an answerhub thread a few weeks ago asking this very question. No response yet unfortunately. I guess I’ll be following this thread.
Ping! Perhaps its somehow possible to cut and paste a set of coordinates?
or Maybe reading a set from the blueprint interface?
+1 bump, please build an importer for handling .SVGs this would enable the creation of so many wonderful things.
You gotta fight for your community to import splines!
Can I get any love here?
It would be nice if we could get a definitive answer from the good people of unreal.
I’m working on a Houdini Engine Digital Asset to export/import splines from your DCC app (Maya/3Ds Max/Cinema) to Unreal Engine 4.
he Houdini Digital Asset reads the spline/curve from the DCC app and converts it to a ‘copy paste’ value Unreal is able to read.
Still some small bugs with rotationvalues. It was fun and I’ve learned a lot about Python. Maybe i can add svg file support. Or just convert the svg file in the DCC app to a spline.
I can put it on Gumroad for free when its done.
looks awesome, it’s what i’m currently trying to get through. having trouble with the format at the moment. are you handling tangents in your tool
Hello, vonBerg. Is there any update to this? I’ve watched some of Alan Noon’s video about the hack he put together for importing splines but it was immediately clear that it only works from 3DS. I don’t have 3DS.
Try this if you are using blender and looking to import splines Blender Curves To Unreal Engine Splines Importer Plugin