Is there a way to import splines from 3D Studio Max or XML using blueprint editor to generate splines in ue4?
Thank you.
Is there a way to import splines from 3D Studio Max or XML using blueprint editor to generate splines in ue4?
Thank you.
I’m working on a Houdini Engine Digital Asset to export/import splines from your DCC app (Maya/3Ds Max/Cinema) to Unreal Engine 4.
the Houdini Digital Asset reads the spline/curve from the DCC app and converts it to a ‘copy paste’ value Unreal is able to read.
Still some small bugs with rotationvalues. It was fun and I’ve learned a lot about Python. Maybe i can add svg file support. Or just convert the svg file in the DCC app to a spline.
I can put it on Gumroad for free when its done.
You can use this script
macroScript UE4splineWriter
toolTip:"UE4 Spline Export"
buttonText:"UE4 Spline Export"
Icon:#("Splines", 1)
fn SplineCOPY =
vertPosArray = #()
vertInArray = #()
vertOutArray = #()
splinePointTempl = "(InVal=%,OutVal=(X=%,Y=%,Z=%),"
splineTanTempl = "ArriveTangent=(X=%,Y=%,Z=%),LeaveTangent=(X=%,Y=%,Z=%),InterpMode=CIM_CurveUser)"
rotationNullStr = "(InVal=%,ArriveTangent=(X=0.000000,Y=0.000000,Z=0.000000,W=0.500000),LeaveTangent=(X=0.000000,Y=0.000000,Z=0.000000,W=0.500000),InterpMode=CIM_CurveAuto)"
scaleOneStr = "(InVal=%,OutVal=(X=1.000000,Y=1.000000,Z=1.000000),InterpMode=CIM_CurveAuto)"
reparamTableStr = "(InVal=%,OutVal=%)"
theSpline = convertToSplineShape $
theSpline = $
numPoints = numKnots theSpline 1
outputStr = stringstream ""
for v = 1 to numPoints do
vertPos = in coordsys world getKnotPoint theSpline 1 v
vertPos = vertPos * [1,-1,1]
vertIn = in coordsys world getInVec theSpline 1 v
vertIn = vertIn * [1,-1,1]
vertIn = (vertPos - vertIn) * 3.0
vertOut = in coordsys world getOutVec theSpline 1 v
vertOut = vertOut * [1,-1,1]
vertOut = (vertOut - vertPos) * 3.0
if v != 1 do
vertPos = vertPos - vertPosArray[1]
append vertPosArray vertPos
append vertInArray vertIn
append vertOutArray vertOut
--Basic Object Definitions
--ORIGINAL-- format "Begin Map\n\tBegin Level\n\t\tBegin Actor Class=Actor Name=Spline\n\t\t\tBegin Object Class=SplineComponent Name=\"Spline\"\n\t\t\tEnd Object\n\t\t\tBegin Object Name=\"Spline\"\n\t\t\t\tSplineCurves=(Position=(Points=(" to:outputStr
format "Begin Object Class=/Script/Engine.SplineComponent Name=\"SplineExported_GEN_VARIABLE\"\r\n\t\t\t\tSplineCurves=(Position=(Points=(" to:outputStr
--Point strings
for i = 1 to numPoints do
if i != 1 then
format splinePointTempl (i - 1) vertPosArray[i][1] vertPosArray[i][2] vertPosArray[i][3] to:outputStr
format "(" to:outputStr
format splineTanTempl vertInArray[i][1] vertInArray[i][2] vertInArray[i][3] vertOutArray[i][1] vertOutArray[i][2] vertOutArray[i][3] to:outputStr
if i < numPoints do
format "," to:outputStr
format ")),Rotation=(Points=((InterpMode=CIM_CurveAuto)," to:outputStr
--Rotation Strings
for i = 2 to numPoints do
format rotationNullStr (i - 1) to:outputStr
if i < numPoints do
format "," to:outputStr
format ")),Scale=(Points=((OutVal=(X=1.000000,Y=1.000000,Z=1.000000),InterpMode=CIM_CurveAuto)," to:outputStr
for i = 2 to numPoints do
format scaleOneStr (i - 1) to:outputStr
if i < numPoints do
format "," to:outputStr
format ")),ReparamTable=(Points=(()," to:outputStr
segLengths = getSegLengths theSpline 1 ■■■:true
print segLengths
print "-----"
for i = 0.1 to numPoints - 0.99 by 0.1 do
currentSegAndLength = findLengthSegAndParam theSpline 1 (i / numPoints)
print currentSegAndLength
format reparamTableStr (segLengths[currentSegAndLength[1] + (numPoints - 1)] * currentSegAndLength[2]) i to:outputStr
if i < (numPoints - 1.05) do
format "," to:outputStr
format ")))\n\t\t\t\tbSplineHasBeenEdited=True\n\t\t\t\tbAllowDiscontinuousSpline=True\n\t\t\t\tRelativeLocation=(X=%,Y=%,Z=%)" vertPosArray[1][1] vertPosArray[1][2] vertPosArray[1][3] to:outputStr
format "\n\t\t\t\tCreationMethod=Instance\n\t\t\tReparamStepsPerSegment=4\n\tEnd Object\n\t" to:outputStr
--\t\tRootComponent=SplineComponent'Spline'\n\t\t\tnstanceComponents(0)=SplineComponent'Spline'\n\t\tEnd Actor\n\tEnd Level\nBegin Surface\nEnd Surface\nEnd Map
setClipBoardText outputStr
rollout UE4SplineExportRollout "UE4 Spline Exporter"
label lbl0 ""
label lbl1 "Select Spline Shape"
label lbl2 ""
button btn_writeSpline "Copy Spline to Clipboard" tooltip: "Copies the selected spline to the clipboard"
on btn_writeSpline pressed do
if UE4splineExportFloater != undefined then closeRolloutFloater UE4splineExportFloater
UE4splineExportFloater = newRolloutFloater "UE4 Spline Exporter" 260 120
addRollout UE4SplineExportRollout UE4splineExportFloater
Credits to Github author defrost256
Easy to use, thank you