Can an option be added to add material slots but not the materials? I use Sketchup to model and don’t need the materials but do need the slots. If I import without materials I don’t get all the slots. If I do import with materials I get the slots but I also get a bunch of materials that I then have to delete. If there is already a better way please tell me but if not a little tick box that says only import material slots would save me soooo much time.
You Can
I use Maya but Will Be working On All Softwares.
Just Uncheck the box Import Materials when You Import to Engine.
But Make Sure that In Your 3D software that You have applied Different Materials so it can read in Unreal as separate Material slot.
That’s the problem. I have different materials setup in sketchup but unless I actually import the materials it doesn’t give me all my slots. It used to but not anymore. Also if I update my fbx I loose my slots. I have to delete the fbx and reimport because the update function does not give me the option to import materials.
Ohh Then I am Sorry I don’t Have any Sketchup knowledge.
Just a FYI, if you answer questions about programs you don’t use it breaks this whole system of support. People who start reading who may actually have answers just skip it because they think this problem is being fixed or a solution is being worked on…If you don’t use the main program that the person is using then don’t try to answer the question.
I think the great example of such realization is You can found their code or tutorial on github.