If your camera is parented to an object in Maya, like a locator, and the keys are on the parent object, then it will not work. In that case, I think you can simply remove the camera object from Maya and as long as you export one object with keys, it will import it just fine. Otherwise you need to bake the animation of the parent object to the camera to make it work.
Hello pmonga, I turned on the export ‘camera’ and export ‘embedded media’ in the FBX export settings. If I re-import the FBX camera back into Maya, I can see the camera and the animation. But the camera still did not import into UE5. This is a screen grab of my FBX export settings. Since the camera and animation import back into Maya, I think my UE5 import process is wrong. What process do you use?
Thank you for all your help ‘pmong’ and ‘zeaf.’ You really helped me. I had to re-evaluate how I imported the camera into UE5.
This import process worked for me.
When importing the camera into UE5, turn off all the import options. Time index 1:38
This is really handy, but how do I import camera properties from Maya such as the Aim point and the lens/focal settings on my camera? I want my animators to be able to direct a shot entirely within Maya and not have to do it in Unreal.
In Unity i would use a CineMachine Virtual camera and those properties would be captured also, but I cant figure out how to do it unreal.
If I could revive this thread, I’m facing kind of a related issue that this workflow would seem to hold much promise for, thanks for thoughts. I’m exporting from RealityCapture a series of camera poses (photogrammetry) in a .ma file, which opens nicely in Maya, but which I need to import into UE5’s Sequencer, each pose used to keyframe the transform per frame in the timeline of cine camera actor. How might this work in Maya’s timeline instead (XMPs exported from RC don’t translate to UE, it having no coordinate system)? How would I script polling a long list of cameras for transform to keyframe a new camera, one pose per frame? Much appreciated.