Import large landscapes (32Km * 32Km)

I’m trying to find a way to import a landscape with a 32Km * 32Km heightmap tiled by 8Km * 8Km into UE 5.2 without running into the “out of video memory” error. I currently have an Nvidia GeForce 3080TI and 32GB of RAM.

Is there a way to manually import one tile at a time instead of all at once?

Is it possible that the only way to load a map of this size is to have 128GB of RAM and a 4090 video card?

in the end I was able to import everything with several hours of manual work. I hope that in the not too distant future the UE will automate this procedure.

32km is peanuts.

In the older engines (4.25 and below)
You only used to ran out of memory if:
Persistent is open and the import is attempting to load all the tiles into view.
The minimap for the level view is open, which attempts to load all the tiles and render them.

The system is just very poorly designed like that, but if you figure out how to prevent both things from happening you can seemlesly import any size tile set (with splat maps and everything else).

The alternarive is to just work on tiles manually. One level at a time.
Which is definitely time consuming.

Not sure if the 2 things above are still something which you can avoid in ue5, but if anyone else is trying to and ends up here, its something you should definitely try.

Work with 256x256 tiles to test out the import system and make sure nothing loads.