Import / Export .blend (Blender) files with a plugin for UE4

Not sure what you did, but I exported my test model, imported it into UE4 and it all worked out of the box. Material (dummy) was there too, I just had to make the noodles and drop it on the model. Scaled up my model inside UE4 and had no issues at all.

The material don’t have any type of setup, and the scale problem there are one like this: [4.8 P1] Unreal bones scale rotate problem - Character & Animation - Epic Developer Community Forums but there are more.

What kind of setup do you need? Make material in Blender and have it replicated in UE4? Nonsense. The workflow is to get stuff into UE4 and then set it up inside of UE4.

Reading through the posts about rotation issues, it seems that it’s a user error, not FBX and not UE4. You were advised to adjust your workflow to resolve your issues and apparently you didn’t.

Yeah that is why is reported under the bug number UE-15388

What I am saying that it’s not a bug per se. If you do export/import the way UE4 expects it, then there are no issues.

I assume that’s blender fbx developer developer posting?

Well, as others have said, someone else may continue working on the format, and according to the dev, fbx won’t be suddenly removed.

However, adding support for gITF would be a good idea. At cursory glance the idea behind that format is sane. Supporting stuff that is promoted by khronos should be a good idea.

No newa about something like this ? featuring too the support to import LODs ?

Me. (“post should contain at least 10 characters”, GJ Epic! Quote doesn’t count? Here’s Your characters!)