Import custom asset and use Unreal animation twists the model wildly


I wanted to build my model but use Unreal free animations for it. For this purpos, I have exactly recreated the Unreal’s standard mannequin skeleton in Blender (all bone names the same, same hierarchy etc.).

I then assigned weights to the model, and, when I import it into Unreal, I choose to use Unreal’s standard mannquin’s sekeleton for my model - Unreal does not complain at this point and it seems to work fine.

The model gets uploaded and looks like this (all bones affecting mesh correctly):

… but when I play animation on it, it starts looking like this:

I thought it had to do with joints’ initial transform/axis orientation and I have been exporting from Blender with a variety of settings but it did not seem to change anything.

Could you pleeease help me?

[Here][3] is an fbx file with all the stuff. If you download and import to Unreal, choose to use the standard 3rd person skeleton. It will seem to work well but then if you play animation, you will see what I am talking about.