I’m trying to import array of enumerations, but it does not recognize the words, only the “New Enumerator Number”. Has any possibility to export by words?
It doesn’t appear that you can currently import a CSV as an Enumeration list. I believe your options are to enter the enumerations in manually, or to make your project C++ and create a UENUM where you can copy paste your enumerations into. (You could also make a C++ macro that parses CSV and then generates the UENUM C++ code so you don’t have to copy paste, but that’s a lot of work.)
I can confirm this.
Exporting a data table with an enum array spits out incorrectly named elements defaulting to: “NewEnumerator0, NewEnumerator5, NewEnumerator4, NewEnumerator3” and so on.
Importing an enum array from a *.csv file seems to import the first array element only, skipping the rest.
Pretty sure this is not working as intended. Consider reporting it:
Thanks for the answer, but it’s not only for me. I’m trying to make a visual novel template, and i was doing the most simple as possible to people not understand programming
Well, I think i will report, thanks for the answer
Was this fixed for UE4.27 or 5x?
- BP project > Im trying to EXPORT an Enum (from UE4.27) as a CSV or whatever file. So I can edit it faster in an external program > to then IMPORT as Enum into UE4.27/5.
- (It is very tedious in UE4 to move many Enums at a time. Move Enums2, 3, & 4 to below the Enum12 location. Thus I want to use an external program where I can select multiple rows to move down at a time > then Import into UE.)